
Fine-Tune Your Hormone Symphony (2011)
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Are you feeling tired? Depressed? Burned out? “Fuzzy-brained”? Are you experiencing weight gain around the waist? Memory Loss? Hot Flashes? ED? Weakness when not eating? Are you losing your drive? Your Muscles? Your Hair? Your resiliency? Your Focus?
Then this is the book for you.
Fine-Tune Your Hormone Symphony by Angeli Maun Akey, MD, uses the metaphor of the musical symphony to explain the intricate, yet beautifully simple, interactions of hormones in the human body. Written for patients, it explains in simple language the complex concepts of hormones, aging, nutrition, and homeostasis.

Fine-Tune Your Immune System (2021)
Amazon kindle and paperback and in paperback in office. Buy this book on Amazon
Autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases are an attack on life as our own cells turn against us. It has been said that autoimmune diseases are a “kaleidoscope”-multifactorial and elusive. Previously, the understanding of autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases was thought to be a mystery. Now there is an evolution in the understanding of autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases. Quite timely, these concepts apply to unraveling the condition of long COVID which has aspects of both.
In these pages, we hold impactful discussions about the etiology and current concepts of autoimmune and autoinflammatory disease. We will discuss Functional, Integrative, Regenerative and Restorative Internal Medicine approaches to treatment, management, and remission-placing emphasis on the mind, body, and spirit to modify epigenetic expression of disease.
This interactive guidebook will focus on understanding the “exposome” and how your immune system interacts with stress, the gut microbiome, and the hormone symphony. You will then be invited to put it all together and create a personalized plan of action that you can implement to treat wellness and take control of your immune health!

Fascia, Function, & Medical Applications (2021) Taylor and Francis
Available from Editor website, Amazon and paperback in our office. Buy this book on Amazon
Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications is essential reading for medical and allied health practitioners who want to bring scientific insights of the importance of fascia to human health into their clinical practices.
Fascia – the biodynamic tissue that connects every muscle, bone, organ, and nerve in the body – is fast becoming the latest trend in healthcare and allied health modalities. This book is edited by David Lesondak, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, author of the international bestseller Fascia: What it is and why it matters, and Angeli Maun Akey, MD, international physician educator and board certified in both internal and integrative medicine. It contains contributions from a team of top researchers and expert practitioners including physicians, clinicians, therapists, dissectors, and surgeons.
Fully illustrated in color, this book presents the latest scientific knowledge of fascia and explains insights into problems like chronic pain and myriad musculoskeletal symptoms that may not respond to conventional treatments. It gives practitioners the information they need to make better decisions to improve the health of patients often without pharmaceuticals or surgeries.

Kick Covid-19 to the Curb March (2020)
Amazon paperback, Kindle, audible, and paperback in the office. Buy this book on Amazon
The COVID-19 pandemic created an unforeseen time in the history of medicine, our country, and our lives. We are all in this together. United, we will beat this common enemy. We sincerely hope that the concepts herein empower you to take control of your own personal health journey and win this “germ war.”